Mr. Trump’s All-White Nostalgia Movement – The Daily Beast

So this is another perspective on the question everyone is wondering: why Trump? Election 2016 has created it’s own pastime, trying to figure out why anyone would vote for Donald Trump for anything at all let alone to run for the position of leader of the free world.

The author seems to have found a young person who feels that political correctness has or could cost him his job. He believes that the country is being taken over by anti-white, anti-conservative goons who will fire at will anyone who doesn’t agree with them. It doesn’t help the poor fellow lives and works in San Francisco. It doesn’t even help that he considers himself a feminist and is married to a second generation immigrant from Asia.

The premise is that Trump’s followers are all white males of any age and all economic ranges who believe they are being run out of Dodge. In other words, the emphasis on multiculturalism, the few achievements of affirmative action, the changing demographic makeup of parts of the country are making these white men feel afraid. And the expression of these feelings is anger and perhaps shopping for guns. Or voting for Trump.

Hence the idea that American needs to be made great again. Which is really saying that American needs to be made white again. Which isn’t going to happen. Not even if you round up 12 million white people of latino heritage, put them in camps and ship them to foreign countries.


via Mr. Trump’s All-White Nostalgia Movement – The Daily Beast

The Trumpian Song of Sexual Violence

This is the ultimate gendered election. As Frank Foer explained in March, denigrating attacks on women are the one consistent theme throughout Trump’s entire public life. They’re not tactical or opportunistic. They’re part of his essence. What makes the general election contest more volatile and febrile is that not only is Trump basically the embodiment of ‘dominance politics’ and assertive violence. But Clinton, for all the toll the last two years has taken on her public popularity, is still seen as strong and a strong leader by a majority of the public. As I’ve written in similar contexts, when we look at the messaging of a national political campaign we should be listening to the score, not the libretto, which is, like in opera, often no more than a superficial gloss on the real story, mere wave action on the surface of a deep sea. You’re missing the point in trying to make out the logic of Trump’s attacks on Clinton. The attacks are the logic. He is trying to beat her by dominating her in the public sphere, brutalizing her, demonstrating that he can hurt her with impunity.

via The Trumpian Song of Sexual Violence